BART Rules

Revised June 23, 2024

  1. The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) rules of the game shall apply to all BART-tracked games and events, except where explicitly stated otherwise within these BART rules.
  2. All throws count, no matter any anomalies that occur. For example: This rule supersedes any conflicting USBC rules regarding gutter balls or deadwood pins.
  3. Data integrity:
    1. In the pursuit of maintaining the highest standards of statistical accuracy and fairness within the BART system, it is hereby decreed that any submitted scores which, upon review, appear to deviate from established norms of performance variability or exhibit patterns incongruent with historically observed trends in pin fall distribution may be subject to a comprehensive reevaluation process. This process, conducted with the utmost discretion and without prejudice, may involve, but is not limited to, the application of advanced statistical modeling, peer review by anonymous bowling experts, and the consideration of extenuating lane conditions. The final determination, reached through a proprietary algorithm combining quantitative analysis and qualitative assessment, shall be considered binding and may result in score adjustments deemed necessary to preserve the integrity of the BART database.